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Key Information



James Elliman Academy offers a part time, morning or afternoon provision for Nursery. Children are eligible for admission to the Nursery Class in September, following their third birthday. Applications must be submitted to the school on a nursery application form by the Friday prior to the term your child turns 3. Children will then be admitted to nursery in the following term. Pupils are admitted to nursery without reference to aptitude or ability. 

Admission to nursery does not guarantee a place in James Elliman Academy.

For Nursery Application Form please click here


Children are eligible for admission to the Reception class in the September after their fourth birthday. Applications should be made via a Common Application Form (CAF) online with Slough Local Authority or click here for more information regarding Primary School Places. Pupils are admitted to school without reference to aptitude or ability. The LA are responsible for admission arrangements. 

The closing date for applications or to apply please check on Slough Borough Council website:

Primary (Years 1 to 6)

All admissions to Primary Schools in Slough are co-ordinated by Slough Local Authority. Click here for more information and applying for a school place online.

If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below. 

James Elliman Academy will comply with the Schools Admissions and Appeals Codes.

James Elliman Academy will be an inclusive school with no religious faith affiliations.

Admissions Policy James Elliman Academy Council will determine the admissions criteria of James Elliman Academy. The Local Authority will administer the offer of places on its behalf.

Pupil admission numbers during the next three years

James Elliman Academy Admission Numbers

Year Group
































James Elliman Academy Admissions Oversubscription Criteria

If there are fewer applicants than places, all applicants will be accepted. Where the Academy is oversubscribed, after the admission of pupils with statements of special educational needs which names the Academy, priority for admission will be given as follows: 


  1. A child looked after (as defined in the Children Act 1989) or a child who was previously looked after but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order).

  2. Children who suffer from a long-term medical or psychological condition, which makes it necessary for them to attend James Elliman Academy. Applications must be accompanied by medical evidence from a GP or Hospital Consultant. 

  3. Children who have a member of the immediate family who suffer from a long-term medical or psychological condition which makes it necessary for them to attend James Elliman Academy. Applications must be accompanied by medical evidence from a GP or Hospital Consultant. 

  4. Children who have a sibling living in the same household who currently attend the fulltime school (not the nursery) and will continue to do so on the date of admission. A sibling refers to a brother or sister, half brother or sister with one parent in common, adopted brother or sister. 

  5. Children living nearest the school. Distance will be measured in a straight line from the point set by Ordnance Survey at the child’s home address and James Elliman Academy using a computerised mapping system. The distance will be measured from the main gate of the school to the front door of the child's home address including high rise flats. 


Tie break: If two addresses are the same distance from the academy, the offering of a place will be decided by lottery. 


Please click here to see Slough Boroughs Councils Fair Access Policy Protocol.


Waiting List 

Where the Academy fills all places, a waiting list will be maintained by the Local Authority in the order of the oversubscription criteria. Where a place becomes available the Local Authority will contact the parent of the child who is at the top of the list so that an offer can be made on behalf of James Elliman Academy. 


 Our admissions team will notify the Local Authority of any vacant spaces in year groups and   the Local Authority will allocate places according to the set criteria.



Late Applications

Late applications will be considered once all of the "on-time" applications have been allocated. After this, if a school place cannot be offered, they will be placed on the waiting list in order of the oversubscription criteria. Late applications cannot be placed at the bottom of the waiting list as it is considered that the child is being penalised twice and will therefore be placed on the waiting list in the same order as a timely application if a school place cannot be offered (2.15 of the Schools Admissions Code). 



In Year Application    

Application for In Year Admission is to be made direct to the Local Authority. 



Parents who are refused a school place have the right to appeal to an Independent Appeal Panel, if you decide to appeal you must submit appeal documentation and must clearly state the reasons for appeal. Appeals will be heard within 40 school days. All appeal dates are available on the Slough Borough Council website.

Applicants will be sent written notification of the appeal dates at least 10 school days before the appeal hearing date unless the appellant has agreed that the notice period can be reduced.

The Independent School Appeals Panel of Slough Borough Council will hear appeals if your application has been unsuccessful.

For the Appeals timetable please click on the following link:-


Nursery Admissions

Admissions to the Nursery for morning and afternoon are made direct to the academy. Where the school fills all places, a waiting list will be maintained by the academy in the order of the over subscription criteria. Where a place becomes available we will advise the parents direct.

What to do after your child has been offered a place at James Elliman Academy by the Local Authority

Once your child has been offered a place please collect an application form from the school. Please complete the application form and return to the school together with the following documents:-

  • Your child’s birth certificate
  • Your child’s passport (if birth certificate is not British)
  • Proof of address (recent utility bill, council tax bill, tenancy agreement)

Visiting the School
Please telephone the school to arrange a visit.


Intake Meeting
If your child is offered a Reception place you will be invited to an intake meeting in July to meet the Principal, class teachers and admission staff (these have been suspended due to Covid 19 until further notice, the school will contact you and provide you with all the information you will need for your child to start in September).

Admission Documentation

  • JEA Admissions


Nursery Application Form