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Our rules for using the school computers and internet

We use the school computers and Internet connection for learning. These rules will help us to be fair to others and keep everyone safe.

  • I will ask permission before entering any Web site, unless my teacher has already approved that site.
  • If I see anything I am unhappy with or I receive messages I do not like, I will tell a teacher immediately.
  • I am aware that some websites and social networks have age restrictions and I should respect this.
  • I will not look at or delete other people's files.
  • I will keep my logins and passwords secret.
  • I will only email people I know, or whom my teacher has approved.
  • I will ask for permission before opening an email or an email attachment sent by someone I do not know.
  • The messages I send will be polite and sensible.
  • I will not give my home address, phone number, send a photograph or video, or give any personal information that could be used to identify me, my family or friends, unless a trusted adult has given permission.
  • I will never arrange to meet someone I have only previous met on the Internet, unless my parent/carer has given me permission and I take a responsible adult with me.
  • I know that the school may check my computer files and may monitor the Internet sites I visit.
  • I understand that if I deliberately break these rules, I could be stopped from using the Internet or my email address.
We hope that all parents/carers will support us by reminding the children to follow these E-safety rules at home as well as in school. 

Some Useful E-Safety Websites