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Mental Health, Well-being and Staying Healthy
Mental Wellbeing

Mental Health, Well-being and Staying Healthy

Are you worried about your child's health?

Mental Health and Wellbeing Vision Statement

‘Everybody’s wellbeing is important and at James Elliman Academy we recognise that promoting positive mental health and wellbeing is an integral part to personal and community success.’

Through our school values of resilience, integrity, gratitude, democracy, diversity and creativity we build on the skills of staff, children and their families so that the James Elliman environment is a positive place to learn and achieve. We encourage adults and children within our school community to recognise and build positive mental health and wellbeing, use strategies to support their mental health and know where to go when in need of help.

Click on the link below to find out more information:-

Well Being Room

The resource is a wellbeing bank of resources for children to use to help support them at home with their wellbeing and is being launched across the federation, click here to access the resource.