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Year 1

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!

In year 1, we aim to ensure that your child is able to develop skills in their reading, writing and maths abilities. We have high expectations of all pupils to ensure that they achieve their personal best.

Phonics is at the centre of our mornings where we will focus on the different stages and sounds needed to ensure that your child is an efficient reader. Tailored support is arranged to make sure that those gaps are filled so that they are ready for the next stage of their learning. We will be developing confidence to decode, read aloud, pace and early comprehension. We have also shaped reading opportunities across the curriculum and will be encouraging children to read an increasingly wider range of text types.

In English, the children will be looking at a variety of fiction and non-fiction text including Handa’s surprise, traditional stories and information reports. The wide variety of reading texts will provide a great opportunity to develop your child’s reading ability.

With the White Rose Scheme for Maths, your children will be challenged constantly to progress through the different strands from topics such as place value and geometry. A range of fluency, reasoning and evaluation questions will be set so that children can practise, apply and consolidate their learning.

We have a number of history and geography topics that will create a buzz in the classroom such as Toys throughout Time, Our Wonderful Weather and Dinosaurs. In science, we will be exploring animals, humans and the world around us including seasonal changes.

We all look forward to an exciting academic year!




ActionAid UK

ActionAid is an international charity that works with children living in poverty. Our dedicated staff and children are sponsoring children all over the World fighting poverty so that all children, everywhere, can create the future they want. For more information on the charity please visit :-