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Staying Safe Online
Key Information

Staying Safe Online

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week we have shared information on 'Fake News' with the children. Children, young people and even adults, can sometimes come into contact with fake news and this can put us all at risk of emotional or physical harm, especially if the news encourages us to take part in risky tasks, causing us to behave dangerously. Please have a look at the attached information to help you understand this further.
Useful website links:
  • What is fake news?  - A Youtube video to explain fake news and how it can be harmful to others. 
  • Newsround - Another source to explain fake news
  • How to spot fake news - Childline - This is a very informative website for parents and carers to gain more knowledge of fake news, how to spot it and what to do if you come into contact with any
  • Fact checking websites for staff and parents/carers - use websites such as Full-fact or Snopes to check information. We have encouraged children to speak to adults and school staff if they come across anything that they consider may be fake nes.
  • - explainer video here suitable for parents and carers
  • If you or your child suspects fake news you must report it directly to the platform you are on and ask for it to be taken down. 
  • If you have been scammed report it to Action Fraud